We believe that gender equity, health, and dignity for all people is achievable.

We conduct collaborative action-oriented research to understand and advance gender equity and address related health disparities, locally and globally.

Gender + Health, Gender + Adolescence, Gender-based Violence, Gendered Social + Economic Opportunity

impact around the globe
Improving population health and development by improving the status, opportunities and safety of women and girls, globally



impact around the globe



impact around the globe
We envision a world in which gender inequities and gender-based violence are eliminated



The mission of the Center on Gender Equity and Health is to conduct innovative multidisciplinary research to understand and eliminate gender inequities in health, and to provide academic and practitioner training toward achievement of these goals.

Our work focuses on the following three key areas that impact population health and development, globally:

  • Gender inequities (e.g., girl child marriage, women’s unpaid labor, son preference)
  • Gender-based violence (e.g., partner violence, sexual assault and exploitation, sexual harassment, reproductive coercion)
  • Gender social norms (e.g., community norms and expectations regarding male and female roles in the household and in society)

To achieve this mission and support use of our work for large-scale and sustainable advancement of population health in California and across multinational settings, GEH maintains partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world.



Appointment Announcements

San Diego, Oct 5th, 2021 — The University of California San Diego (UCSD) today announced the appointment of Katherine Hay as Distinguished Fellow in Gender Equity and Health and a Senior Strategy advisor to the Vice Chancellor of Health Sciences, Prof. David Brenner.  Hay, currently Deputy Director of Gender Equality at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will join UC San Diego on November 1st.

“We are thrilled to have Katherine join the UC San Diego family and advance gender equity in our health sciences research and practice” says UCSD Chancellor Pradeep Khosla. “Today more than ever we need to ensure policies are inclusive and evidence based to ensure everyone in the US and globally can achieve their full potential. Katherine is one of those rare people who understands how to generate research and effectively support translation of the science for policy and decision makers,” said Anita Raj, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center on Gender Equity and Health at UC San Diego.

For the last eight years, Hay has been a Deputy Director at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation where she led work to evaluate large-scale health and gender empowerment programs and co-developed the foundation’s first Gender Equality strategy focused on improving gender data, research and evaluation on women’s work and enterprise in Africa and Asia, and scaling women’s collectives. Hay also developed and led the Gates Foundation’s Gender & COVID strategy which surfaced critical data on the gender impacts of the pandemic, bringing greater attention (and investment) on gender-informed solutions.

To support work at GEH, Make a Donation Online Today, or call Gift Processing at (858) 534-9648

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