Current Briefs and Reports

ARCHES Kenya: (PI: Silverman) 

ARCHES Kenya: Promoting reproductive autonomy for women and girls by addressing gender-based violence within routine family planning counseling

Cal-VEX Study (PI: Raj)

Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence: Mental Health Needs During the COVID-19 Crisis

Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence History Among Those Experiencing Homelessness in California 

Police Violence and Mental Health in California

Cal- VEX 2020: Intimate Partner Violence in California 

Cal-VEX 2020: Firearm Exposure in California 

Child Marriage (PI: Raj)

Early Marriage Decision-Making: Pathways of Prevention

The Role of Parent-Child Communication in Delaying Child and Early Marriage of Girls

The Role of Social Norms in Early Marriage in Niger: A Look at Adolescent Wives and their Communities


EMERGE Learnings Report 1: Learnings from International Scoping Meetings on Quantitative Measurement of Gender Equality and Empowerment

EMERGE Learnings Report 2: Findings from Workshop and Scoping Meetings on Gender Equality and Empowerment Measurement in India

EMERGE Learnings Report 3: Findings from Interviews with Experts in India on Quantitative Measurement of Gender Equality and Empowerment

EMERGE Project Report: Theoretical Definitional Basis for Identification of Measures of Gender Equality and Empowerment

GEH Response Papers

University of California San Diego Center on Gender Equity & Health Response to US Global Strategy to Empower Girls

The GENDER Project: (PI: Raj)

Understanding Sex and Geographical Differences in School Non-Attendance in India: The Need for Greater Focus on Rural Girls

More than credit: Are microcredit programs associated with women’s maternal and reproductive health?

Non-Marital Sexual Violence in India: Findings from NFHS-4, 2015-2016

Non-Marital Sexual Violence in the Past Year

Non-Marital Sexual Violence Against Adolescents (15-19) in the Past Year 

Bank Accounts and Reproductive and Maternal Health Services: What Does the Data Suggest?

Understanding the Non-Attendance Trends in Six Indian States: Highlighting Gender and Rural/Urban Disparities

Factors influencing the sex ratio at birth in India: a new analysis based on births occurring between 2005 and 2016

Gender Measurement for COVID-19 (PI: Raj)

Brief #1: Mining Twitter Data to Identify Topics of Discussion by Indian Feminist Activists

Brief #2: Using Google Trends Data to Assess Reproductive Health Needs in Nigeria During COVID-19

Brief #3: Trends in online misogyny before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of Twitter data from five south-Asian countries

Brief #4: Topic Modeling of Twitter Data to Identify Issues Impacting Women and Girls’ Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Learning Collaborative (PI: Lundgren) 

Engaging Communities in Exploring Social Norms: Learnings from the Social Norms Exploration Tool

Social Norms and Asyrh: Building a Bridge from Theory to Program Design

Top Themes from the Summit on Social Norms Research and Practice

How and Why Norms Matter for Sustainable Development: Learning Collaborative to Advance Normative Change

Learning Collaborative to Advance Normative Change: Key Resources

Learning Collaborative to Advance Normative Change: Essential Resources

Social Norms Exploration Tool at a Glance Fact Sheet

Community-Based, Norms-Shifting Interventions: Definition and Attributes

Identifying and Describing Approaches and Attributes of Norms-Shifting Interventions

Support the scale up of REAL Fathers Initiative (PI: Lundgren) 

REAL Fathers Initiative Implementation Guidelines for Adaptation and Use

REAL Fathers Initiative Mentor Training Curriculum

REAL Fathers Initiative Mentor Resource Sheets

REAL Fathers Initiative Women’s Group Session Guide 

Resources for Measuring Social Norms: A Practical Guide for Program Implementers

Sexual Harassment and Assault (PI: Raj)

Measuring #MeToo in California: A Statewide Assessment of Sexual Harassment and Assault

Measuring #MeToo: A National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault

The Facts Behind the #MeToo Movement: A National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault

Social Networks and Norms (PI: Shakya)

Using social network analysis to understand social norms

Youth in India (PI: Raj) 

Adolescent Participation in Family Life Education Programs in Bihar, India

Adolescent Participation in Family Life Education Programs in Uttar Pradesh, India

Engaging Youth in Sports for Health and Development: A Gender Focus Is Needed in Bihar, India

Engaging Youth in Sports for Health and Development: A Gender Focus Is Needed in Uttar Pradesh, India

Parental Violence Against Adolescents Aged 10-19 Years Bihar, India

Parental Violence Against Adolescents Aged 10-19 Years Uttar Pradesh, India

Archived Briefs and Reports

Adolescent Fertility and Social Networks in Rural Honduras (PI: Shakya)
Adolescent Fertility and Social Networks in Rural Honduras

ARCHES (PI: Silverman)
Addressing Partner Violence and Reproductive Coercion to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy: The ARCHES Model

Research Brief for Policy Makers & Advocates: What does the Research Tell Us about Campus Sexual Assault?

Campus Violence Prevention (PI: Wagman)
Assessing the Environment for Campus Violence Prevention in California

CHARM: A Family Planning Intervention for Married Men and Couples in Rural India
CHARM Intervention Manual (English)
CHARM IEC Materials (English)
CHARM Flip Chart (English)

Congenital Syphilis (PI: Wagman)
Addressing the Rise of Congenital Syphilis in California and Louisiana: Working toward Setting-specific Solutions among High-Risk Pregnant Women

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation (PI: Raj)
Community Experiences with Project RISHTA: A Youth Empowerment Program to Delay Marriage in Jharkhand, India

Community Experiences with a School-Based Intervention to Delay Marriage among Girls in Oromia Region, Ethiopia

GEH Inaugural Report
Inaugural Report 2014

Laying the Groundwork for Innovative Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Prevention on College Campuses (PI: Wagman)
A Public Health Approach to Violence Prevention at the UC

Men’s Alcohol Use (PI: Wagman)
Men’s Use of Alcohol and Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence in Rakai, Uganda

Sport Culture as an Opportunity to Prevent Sexual Violence

The RHANI Wives Intervention: Combating Marital HIV Transmission

Sex Trafficking (PI: Silverman)
Sex Trafficking: A Global, Gender-based Threat to the Health, Development, and Rights of Adolescent Girls

SHARE (PI: Wagman)
The SHARE Intervention Trial: An effective approach to preventing Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Infection

Strengthening the Evidence Base to End Child Marriage (PI: Raj)
Associations between village-level norms on marital age and marital choice outcomes among adolescent wives in rural Niger

Effects of Parent-Child Relationships on Child Marriage of Girls in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam: Evidence From a Prospective Cohort

Beyond the statistic: exploring the process of early marriage decision-making using qualitative findings from Ethiopia and India

Early Marriage Decision- Making: Pathways of Prevention

The role of parent-child communication in delaying child and early marriage of girls

The Role of Social Norms in Early Marriage in Niger: A Look at Adolescent Wives and their Communities

Women’s Alcohol Use (PI: Wagman)
Women’s Use of Alcohol and Experiences for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Rakai, Uganda

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