Jasmine Uysal, MPH
Research Project Manager & Pre-doctoral Fellow

Jasmine Uysal, MPH, is a Survey Researcher III at the Center on Gender Equity and Health (GEH) at the University of California, San Diego where she has worked for over four years. She works to implement, evaluate, and scale interventions to prevent gender-based violence and improve women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health, rights and empowerment, including through male engagement approaches. Currently, Jasmine manages all ARCHES (Addressing Reproductive Coercion in Health Settings) projects under Dr. Jay Silverman including investments in Kenya, Bangladesh, and Nigeria.. Previously, Jasmine also worked with Dr. Rebecka Lundgren on her portfolio applying social norms approaches to improve sexual and reproductive health and prevent violence against women and children under Passages. Before joining GEH, Jasmine was co-investigator on two domestic reproductive health research studies based in the United States. Jasmine is now pursuing her doctoral degree from the UC San Diego and San Diego State University Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health – Global Health. Her research interests include social and structural determinants of violence and reproductive health, epidemiology of violence prevention, reproductive equity and empowerment, and bringing evidence-based SRHR interventions to scale. 

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