Adolescent Transitions in West Africa (ATWA)

Adolescent Transition in West Africa (ATWA) is a four-year program in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger that aims to influence and promote positive adolescent sexual and reproductive health rights (ASRHR) outcomes among very young and older adolescents. The ATWA intervention will target both in-school and out-of-school adolescents through Life Skills Education, including Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), and improving the availability and accessibility of adolescent-responsive SRH services. The program also seeks to address some of the interrelated drivers of poor SRHR such as inequitable gender norms and community norms surrounding adolescent sexual and reproductive health. The project consortium includes implementing partners: Save the Children-Netherlands along with Save the Children country offices in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger and research partners: UCSD/GEH and GRADE Africa. UCSD/GEH conceptualized and led the study design for the formative research and the cluster randomized controlled trial (C-RCT) and GRADE Africa led the data collection in the three countries.

Photo Credit: Save the Children 2023

Supported By: Save the Children Netherlands

Project Contact: Sarah Smith, sas022@health.ucsd.edu


Dr. Jay Silverman, PhD Principal Investigator (multiple with Lundgren and Barker), UCSD
Dr. Rebecka Lundgren, PhD Principal Investigator (multiple with Silverman and Barker), UCSD
Dr. Kathryn M. Barker, ScD Principal Investigator (multiple with Lundgren and Silverman), UCSD
Sarah Smith, MPH Research Project Manager, UCSD



ATWA Year 1 Baseline Report

ATWA Project Brief

ATWA Year 1 Endline Findings

ATWA Year 2 Baseline Report

ATWA Year 2 Evaluation Brochure (English, French)

Principal Investigators

West Africa (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso)


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