Rebecka Lundgren, PhD, MPHshe/her

Project Director
Agency for All

Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health

Rebecka Lundgren, MPH, Ph.D., is an applied anthropologist with 30 years of experience in implementation science, and expertise in family planning, adolescence, social norms and gender-based violence. She brings broad research experience in sexual and reproductive health in 18 countries including 12 years managing operations research programs in Latin America. She leads Passages, a USAID-funded project designed to bridge the gap between science and effective policy and practice through research, technical assistance and catalytic support for social norms-focused adolescent sexual and reproductive health interventions. She is recognized for innovative mixed-methods approaches to designing, monitoring and evaluating gender transformative programs for youth, with a particular focus on early adolescents. Dr. Lundgren has authored over 35 peer reviewed articles and book chapters.

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